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For Immediate Release: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Contact: Kendra Baucom, Marketing & Communications Specialist, 605-773-5869
Updated Policy for Personalized License Plates
PIERRE, S.D., -- The South Dakota Department of Revenue implemented a new personalized license plate policy on September 14, 2023. The new Department policy does not use the “offensive to good taste and decency” standard. The Department sent a letter in October to individuals who may have previously had their personalized plate application denied under the offensive to good taste and decency standard and informed them of the change in policy. Individuals were invited to resubmit their previously denied application as it may now be approved.
The Department is reasserting that any individual who was previously denied a requested personalized plate may reapply for that plate. The previously denied plate will be approved after payment of the required fees, compliance with all statutory requirements, and conformity with the newly adopted policy. Go to and click on “CK A PL8” to check the availability of specific plate options. The new policy can also be found on the Department’s webpage at